



Wellness and Performance Brand

I created a dynamic and reliable brand identity for a company that assists individuals in enhancing their health and lifestyle through premium supplements, podcasts, and online programs.

Human Optimization uses a combination of light and dark neutrals to create an elegant brand that seamlessly integrates sacred geometry and modern elements, ensuring the production of top-tier products and delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Wind Rose, the heart of the Human Optimization Brand

After numerous experiments, the Wind Rose element was developed. It serves as an indicator of the specific issues that Human Optimization can address with each product.

Its purpose is to be implemented across all products to enhance brand recognition and bring together various divisions of the company.

Wind Rose Merchandise

Custom tote bags feature a playful interpretation of the wind rose symbol and incorporate a wordplay, suggesting that buying a bag of HO products is optimizing every aspect of your life.

Custom tote bags feature a playful interpretation of the wind rose symbol and incorporate wordplay, suggesting that buying a bag of HO products are optimizing every aspect of your life. T-shirts follow the same approach.

Product Packaging

Supplement Packaging

Product packaging is simple and simple designed in a coherent and light way with the Wind Rose element being a protagonist. Gold ink is utilized to enhance the overall premium experience.

YouTube Thumbnails

Human Optimization also encompasses the world of podcasting, incorporating YouTube thumbnails that showcase significant quotes from the episodes alongside the guest's headshot against dark background with HO brand elements.

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