
Web3 Sport Betting Platform

I designed a logo for Wisebet, a Web3 startup revolutionizing sports betting by eliminating the house and providing a transparent and fair platform.

The brand identity of Wisebet is characterized by its dark neutral backgrounds, contrasting gradients, and a visually appealing low poly aesthetic. These design elements contribute to the overall modern and dynamic look of the brand.

The Wisebet logo itself is comprised of a stylized letter "W" that takes the form of abstract deer antlers. This distinctive design is outlined by a hexagon shape, which adds a geometric element to the logo.

The choice of the deer as Wisebet's mascot is symbolic and intentional. Deer are known for their elegance and wisdom in various cultures. This aligns perfectly with the brand's name and emphasizes the intelligent, trustworthy, and sophisticated nature of Wisebet.

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